For some reason, it didn't exactly occur to me that we needed a gift for her teacher until late last week, at which point I panicked and e-mailed someone that was in my Brownie Girl Scout troop (20 some-odd years ago) begging for ideas. She is a super-crafty, super-cool mom type and saved my butt. Even though I procrastinated about actually using her idea until this week. She had done a project at her kids' preschool where they used fingerprints to make critters on notecards. She explained that the kids did fingerprints and one of her (adult) friends drew in the little faces and such. I am quite certain that her cards looked NOTHING like my cards, because M does not like to play by the rules. She marches to her own drumbeat so to speak. At any rate, after a quick trip to Micheal's, we started working out the notecards. We practiced on a sheet of paper first, and I wrote the title of each piece of art, as well as a dedication from the artist to the teacher on the back of each card. I feel like they turned out really well-- I hope her teacher likes them!
But as a result of all the craziness and my literal inability to be in the kitchen cooking tonight, I scrambled around the kitchen and literally threw things in the crockpot. This happens once in a while, but tonight M declared it "wonderful." Ha. What a little gourmet she is. If only she knew.
It would be helpful if I had been to the grocery store lately, but alas my trips have been centered around buying items for school and for Girl Scouts, so my scrambling for ingredients came up with an odd combination.
It was well-liked enough that although I probably won't blog about it again, I probably won't feel guilty next time the situation arises at 6 am. By the same token, I am only including the recipe to show how a crockpot can turn a bunch of nothing into something good.
"Crock Pot-- Do Your Thing" Ingredients:
1 lb. goat stew meat
1/2 bag frozen spinach
1 bag frozen fordhook lima beans
1 bag Grape Tomato Sauce
Throw it into the crockpot. Turn on low. Cook for 6 1/2 hours. Serve over plain rice. Declare yourself a genius.
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