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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vanilla Pears

Randomly my 7 year old was watching a cooking show the other night and asked for vanilla pears.  I had never heard of such, but was impressed she would ask for such a thing.  So on a Saturday morning I found myself at the market buying organic bourbon vanilla extract.

And here's my recipe:
2 1/2 tbsp. organic bourbon vanilla extract
2 tbsp. lemon juice.
1/8 cup packed brown sugar
2 1/2 tbsp. butter
2 pears, washed, halved and de-seeded
ground cinnamon

Wash and slice your pears as directed above.  Place in the bottom of a greased baking dish and drizzle lemon juice over.  Sprinkle over with brown sugar and then drizzle on vanilla.  Top each pear with 1/4 of the butter, and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Cook in convection oven on 350 for 50 minutes, turning the pear halves over once.  Baste them often with the juice in the bottom of the pan.

Serve immediately.  Eat yours quickly, before someone tries to take it!

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