Last night for dinner I decided to use up the fresh veggies lingering in my fridge and also a bottle of Mr. Sid's barbeque sauce. Sid is a friend of my dad's, and M calls him Mr. Sid and his wife Mrs. Sid. Anyway, Mr. Sid has a secret recipe barbeque sauce and since it's a secret, I got him to give me a bottle. I marinated some drumsticks in it and then basted them as they were grilling. I only thawed out 4 drumsticks, and the result was so good I thought the family members with teeth were going to get into a fist fight over the extra. THANK YOU MR SID!!
For the veggies, we had corn on the cob with my jalepeno lime butter, which is very simple to make and just really enhances the natural flavor of the corn.
1/2 stick butter (NOT MARGARINE)
12 slices of pickled jalepenos
juice of one lime
Melt the butter. While butter is melting, chop the jalapenos finely. Mix all together and put in a container in the fridge to harden if you want to spread on the corn. If you prefer to roll your corn in it, leave melted.
We also had homefries, which I fried up in some olive oil in the iron
My family has a tendency to ignore me when I tell them that an item is for a specific purpose they have a tendency to ignore me. I had this fear that someone would scrub the dishes with my veggie brush and then there would be cross-contamination issuwes, which I'm a bit of a freak about, so I borrowed a trick from my Pepa and labeled it with a Sharpie. Surely to goodness they can figure this out:
One would hope anyway, right?
We also had some kale, which I made up with onions, garlic, fresh ginger, tomatoes, and carrots. I used some chicken broth that I thawed out right in the pan. M complained, did not like it with the broth, and said it wasn't as good as what I usually make. I think she prefers the kale & garbanzo bean mixture, which I completely forgot existed until she complained!
This week's them was Native Americans, which we studied by reading books from the library, making several crafts, and visiting the Etowah Indian Mounds in Cartersville, GA. Our crafts included an Indian headdress and a "leather painting." We made the "leather" by crumpling up a paper grocery sack, throwing it into some water, and drying it out overnight. M painted a story on it, which was pretty cool.
The Indian Mound site was a bit above her head I think, but they had improved it quite a bit since last time I went. They have a museum now and a replica daub house.
What did impress me was that I climbed Mound A with R in my Ergo carrier. Now Mound A does have stairs and the Ergo is extremely comfortable as far as carriers are concerned, but it was rather steep:
I'm not sure that's what I was going for, but c'est la vie. After we got back from Cartersville, we went over to a friend's for dinner (she made delicious tacos de papas) and we took the kids swimming. It was R's first time, and he LOVED it!
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